Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Expectancy (Not the pregnancy kind!)

Whenever youth have a big camp or a big convention God seems to be moving powerfully. We talk and testify just how much God moved in us and what God spoke to our lives during these trips. Before they even happen we are looking forward to them. Sometimes even as soon as one ends, we just cant wait for next year's to come.

We go to these camps, conventions, and retreats expecting God's move. We come expecting God's miracles and power to take place during these trips.

Then we go back to our own churches and we say the worship isn't as great, the altar call isn't as powerful, or the speaker just isn't as 'good'. We don't come expecting God to move powerfully.

I really believe that our expecting hearts plays a huge part in it too.

Imagine how it would be if we came to our youth services, our Sunday services, even our bible or discipleship classes expecting to get a word and move from God!

I don't believe a bigger and louder worship team is more anointed than just a simple acoustic guitar just because of the 'talent'. I don't believe that a well-known, experienced pastor is more anointed than a fairly new one just because of his 'success'. Its not about the resume, even though that can help, but about the occupation.

Personally, every time I have gone to God expecting a touch, I receive it. Whether it be just a feeling of peace or a word of direction, He pours into me.

As children of God we need to be expectant of God's move. We don't need to limit God just to convention or camp.

When you go to church, when you go to read your bible, and when you go to pray, expect God to move, expect God to speak to you. Expect to walk away changed.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Very wise and truthful, Amber. I didn't think of it like that, and I have to say that I agree with you. Great Devotion.

Ashley Ann said...

I am going to be on my blogger again, so if you want to see what I am posting and comment on it or something, then you can follow up on that. www.thehyperdork.blogspot.com
I really enjoy your devotionals, so keep them coming! :)
See ya later chickdee!
~Ashley Ann

About us: said...

This is a great post. If everyone in our youth group comes expecting God to move then the difference would be extremely dramatic. If you read throughout Scripture God has always blessed people who expected him to move. I don't think God pours out a powerful blessing on someone unexpectantly and that is why God said seek FIRST his kingdom and then all of the blessings would come. This post shows great maturity and I am so blessed to have your attitude, wisdom, and demeanor in our youth ministry.

pastor james