Saturday, October 11, 2008


Here's a passage out of the book Anonymous by Alicia Chole.

Who would wrap a flawless, exquisitely cut, utterly unique diamond in common newspaper? From the accounts' of Jesus' life, it appears that God would! He offers humanity his Son--the most pure ,precious, and priceless of gifts--wrapped in plain, nondescript paper. Then, along with the angels, it seems as though God watches history unfold like a parent with anticipation thinking, I can't wait for them to realize what I've given them inside that package!
So Father God clothes his son with human flesh, hosts the birth of the world's Savior in a stable, and dispatches an elite angelic company to make the announcement of all ages before a small, somewhat less than internationally influential band of shepherds.
This was unexpected even by the devout. Diamonds are supposed to be displayed dramatically, not hidden discretely. All along, the people thought their promised Messiah would appear in convincing power to lead them spiritually and politically into a new day. They thought the packaging would be removed in a spectacular fashion before their eyes. Who would have guessed that God in his wisdom would conceal his gift for thirty years and then plan for the last shreds of packaging to be removed and the greatness of his Son to by fully revealed only in death?